Tuition prices listed are per month
PreSchool Program:
Our pre-school classes are geared toward our youngest athletes’ abilities. Join a fun class focused on basic tumbling and gymnastics skills as well as body awareness and control. Basic tumbling includes forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, bridges, and cartwheels as well as developing flexibility.
Terrific 2’s (Mommy and Me, 18 months – 3 yrs):
A fun class of basic tumbling and gymnastics skills as well as body awareness and control.
$68/30 minutes
Tremendous 3’s (3 yrs):
This class begins to introduce the fundamentals of tumbling and gymnastics. We start introducing forward rolls, backward rolls, skipping, hopping, and more.
$78/45 minutes
Fantastic 4’s (4 yrs):
This class builds on Tremendous 3’s by introducing, handstands, bridges, front support and casts on bars, basic vault run, and walking on the beam.
$78/45 minutes
Fabulous 5’s (5 yrs):
This class builds on Fantastic 4’s by introducing cartwheels, bridge kick overs, chin-up pullovers on bars, basic skills landing on vault, and kicks and hops across the beam.
$88/55 minutes
Tumbling Program:
From beginner to advanced, our tumble classes cover a wide range of abilities. These classes teach basic tumbling and progress through walkovers, handsprings, back tucks, and more. Cheer motions, proper jump technique, flexibility, and body control are all a part of these energetic and exciting classes.
Intro To Tumble (ages 6+):
This is an introductory class to cover the basic fundamentals of tumbling. We will teach proper technique to start to start your athlete with a solid foundation covering skills such as forward & backwards rolls, cartwheels, bridges and other skills teaching them body awareness and control.
$88/55 minutes
Mini Cheer (ages 6-8 yrs):
A fun class for our young athletes and/or athletes new to cheer. Basic tumbling: forward rolls, backward rolls, handstand, bridges and bridge kickovers, cartwheels, round-offs, front limbers, back walkovers. The back handspring will be introduced. Cheer motions, proper jump technique, flexibility, and body control.
$88/55 minutes
Cheer Tumble 1 (ages 8 and up):
A great class for those younger athletes progressing from Mini Cheer, but not quite ready for Cheer Tumble 2, or for older athletes that are new to cheer. Basic tumbling: forward rolls, backward rolls, handstand, bridges and bridge kickovers, cartwheels, round-offs, front limbers, back walkovers. The back handspring will be introduced. Cheer motions, proper jump technique, flexibility, and body control.
$88/55 minutes
Cheer Tumble 2 (ages 8 and up):
Cheer Tumble 3 (ages 8 and up):
Athlete must have a strong back handspring series standing and running and front walk over/front handspring. Focus on the perfection of the back tuck, standing and running. Round off back tuck, round off back handspring back tuck, and front tumbling skills into a back tuck will be taught as well as the punch front and front handspring front tuck.
$88/55 minutes
Cheer Tumble 4 (ages 8 and up):
Athlete must have a standing series to back tuck and round off series to back tuck, and some type of front tumbling into a back tuck. The layout will be mastered, round off series to layout, and front tumbling to layout will be mastered. Front and back twisting tumbling will be taught. Cheer motions, proper jump technique, flexibility, and body control.
$88/55 minutes
Cheer Tumble 5 (ages 8 and up):
Athlete must have a standing back tuck and round off series to layout, and some type of front tumbling into a layout. The full will be mastered, round off series to full. Athletes will also work on whips, arabians and combination passes. Cheer motions, proper jump technique, flexibility, and body control.
$88/55 minutes
Boys Tumbling (ages 6 and up):
From beginner to advanced, the boys tumbling class covers a wide range of abilities. These classes teach basic tumbling and progress through walkovers, handsprings, back tucks, and more with a focus on male athletes.
$88/55 minutes.
Gymnastics Program:
We offer great classes for athletes new and experienced with gymnastics. Classes focus on floor tumbling, vault, bars, beam, strength, flexibility, and body control at all levels for athletes of all ages.
Gymnastics 1 (Ages 6 – 12):
A great class for athletes new to gymnastics. Basic floor and tumbling: forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, front limbers, bridge kick overs, back walk overs, cartwheels, and round- offs, turns, leaps and jumps. Back handsprings introduced. Vault: basic running and vaulting skills. Bars: front support, forward roll dismounts, casts, back hip circles, and chin-up-pullovers. Beam: proper mount, beam walks, beam jumps beam kicks, levers, handstands and proper dismounts. Strength, flexibility and body control.
Gymnastics 2 (Ages 7 – 16):
Athletes must pass gymnastics 1 to enter this class. Floor and tumbling: back handspring will be mastered, back walk overs, front walk overs, front handsprings, intermediate level turns, leaps and jumps. Vault: intermediate running and vaulting skills. Bars: front hip circles, shoot through, dismounts. Kip will be introduced. Beam: handstands, cartwheels, intermediate jumps and leaps, and handstand dismounts.
Gymnastics 3 (Ages 7 – 16)::
(Athletes must pass gymnastics 2 to enter this class)
Floor and tumbling: Bridge kickovers, round-offs, handstand forward rolls, and intermediate level turns, leaps and jumps.
Vault: Advanced running and vaulting skills, squat ons, handstand flat back, and handstand blocks .
Bars: Advanced pullovers, hip circles, and sole circle dismounts.
Beam: Advanced handstands, jumps, and dismounts.
Boys Gymnastics:
From beginner to advanced, the boys gymnastics class covers a wide range of abilities. These classes teach basic tumbling as well as men’s gymnastics events with a focus on male athletes. This class will work skills performed in the 6 men’s events.
$88/55 minutes
Ninjas-in-Training Program:
These classes are the first step to becoming the next American Ninja Warrior! Athletes will learn the art of parkour as well as tumbling skills, strength training, and flexibility. Perfect for active boys and girls!
Tiny Ninja’s (3-5yrs):
An introduction to basic parkour and free running skills. Athletes use equipment to develop balance, agility and strength.
$78/45 minutes
lil’Ninja’s (6-8yrs):
An introduction to basic parkour and free running skills. This class will have more challenging obstacle courses than its predecessor, Tiny Ninja. Athletes use equipment to develop balance, agility, and strength.
$88/55 minutes
Advanced Ninja’s (8 and up):
An introduction to basic parkour and free running skills. This class will have more challenging obstacle courses than its predecessor, Tiny Ninja. Athletes use equipment to develop balance, agility, and strength.
$88/ 55 minutes
Specialty Programs:
*No Tuition Discounts*
Partner Stunt Class (6 and up):
Learn to be a flyer with our experienced coaches and collegiate alumni. Beginner to advanced skills will be trained and perfected in these stunt classes where athletes will practice technique, drills, body positions, dismount cradles, creative load-in, and much more!
$100/55 minutes
Flyer Flexibility (6 and up):
This is a great class for anyone who is currently a flyer or is interested in becoming a flyer. We will focus on core strength and flexibility on all areas of the body so athletes can attain all the flyer body positions.
$55/45 minutes
Jumps and Flexibility (6 and up):
This is a class for anyone wanting to work on improving their jump technique and their overall flexibility. We will focus on strengthening the entire body to improve jump height, lift and technique. We will also work on stretching the athletes to gain flexibility in all areas of the body.
$55/30 minutes
Introduction to Backhandspring:
This class must be taken in conjunction with another class. It focuses solely on introducing the drills and techniques needed for a backhandspring. This class is great for athletes who are still learning their level 1 skills but want to begin the process of learning a backhandspring. (Must be taken in conjunction with another class)
$75/45 minutes.
Backhandspring Class (ages 6 and up):
This class specifically focuses on the backhandspring skill. Must be taken in conjunction with cheer tumble 1 or 2. It focuses solely on the training of the standing and running, back handspring. (Must be taken in conjunction with another class)
$75/45 minutes.