Learn to be a flyer with our experienced coaches and collegiate alumni. Beginner to advanced skills will be trained and perfected in these stunt classes where athletes will practice technique, drills, body positions, dismount cradles, creative load-in, and much more!
Tuition prices listed are per month
Partner Stunt (6 and up):
Athletes will learn how to fly or base in a traditional stunt group as well as partner stunting style with our experienced coaches. This is a perfect class for anyone preparing for the competition season or getting ready for college tryouts.
$110/55 minutes
Flyer Flexibility (6 and up):
This is a great class for anyone who is currently a flyer or is interested in becoming a flyer. We will focus on core strength and flexibility on all areas of the body so athletes can attain all the flyer body positions.
$65/45 minutes
Jumps and Flexibility (6 and up):
Athletes will jump higher than ever before after taking this class! Athletes will learn how to execute all jumps correctly. The toe touch, pike, and hurdler will all be trained and perfected! Thus is a great class for athletes getting ready for tryouts!
$65/45 minutes
Introduction to Backhandspring:
This class must be taken in conjunction with another class. It focuses solely on introducing the drills and technique needed for a backhandspring. This class is great for athletes who are still learning their level 1 skills but want to begin the process of learning a backhandspring. You must contact the gym to enroll. (Must be taken in conjunction with another class.)
$85/45 minutes.
Backhandspring Class : (ages 6 and up)
This class must be taken in conjunction with cheer tumble 1 or 2. It focuses solely on the training of the standing, and running, back handspring. This class will definitely take your tumbling to the next level. You must contact the gym to enroll. (Must be taken in conjunction with another class.)
$85/45 minutes